What part of ‘welfare mothers’ does Manchin not get?
The Senator’s objections to the trimmed down BBB do not make sense.
(Above: Marley’s Ghost, courtesy of Pinterest)
December 16
Sen. Joe Manchin, rather than do the hard work of lawmaker accountability, prefers the ‘Scrooge path ’ of reckoning family care — denial and prejudice. So when the Senator and the Senator-acting-as-President meet to negotiate the future of incremental social legislation, Manchin raises ‘process.’ (1)
If Manchin were behaving with any scruples, he would repeat the ‘guns and butter’ fiscal trope: at least he would be invoking the historical roots of social policy negligence and cynicism.
What part of ‘welfare mothers’ does Manchin not get?
This is not a rhetorical question.
Well, some Senators think they are the President.
-President Joe Biden, Anderson Cooper CNN Town Hall, October 21
Observation: some Presidents think they are (still) Senators.
As a nation America is experiencing another ‘Big Lie’: lifting up the economically challenged, protecting the marginalized, restoring the stricken, means ‘individual sacrifice.’
How ‘to apportion’ is the real question, the task(s) at hand. And one is exasperated by a “President” who campaigns on redistributing wealth and once in office calculates success with ‘incrementalism.’
Little wonder Manchin is playing Scrooge to Biden’s Marley.
‘Incrementalism’ is a political strategy put forth and fostered by and for elites.
Consider the Clinton-Obama nexus of the Democratic Party. Consider that a society whose institutions flirt with breaking the social contract of caring for its citizens flirts with chaos. Consider restoring Voting Rights, the non-partisan ‘bad boy.’
We’ve seen enough chaos for a generation.
Make that two generations.
December 17
1- “Democrats Appear Resigned to Shelve Social Spending Bill Until 2022,” NYTimes, December 16