They Are Not Our Heroes

Rodney Clough
6 min readMar 28, 2024
Photo courtesy

The current public rapture/rupture with the Supreme Court.

I have a pet peeve with my liberal bro’. He likes to thwart political discussion with a variety of send offs, such as “we’ll never know,” “above my pay grade,” “so now, you’re the expert.” I call this liberal bro’ speak: when the going gets tough, self-repress and self-invalidate.

A holdout in these ventures, I confess to the conspiratorial posture: perhaps there is a reason for our ‘not knowing.’


Take for example the US Supreme Court. Why do we fawn over their opinions, breathlessly as if they were decisions? Why do we revere them like heroes? Whence comes the bowing and curtsying? Is this an example of self-repression, aka self-delusion?

They are political appointees.

Thank you, Mr. Greeley for pointing this out in 1857. (1)

The most recent appointee, the ‘youngest Supreme Court Justice,’ Ketanji Brown Jackson, is perhaps the most experienced Supreme Court appointee in recent history. (2) She barely squeaked by the Senate approval scrum. (53Y, 47N)

Notably, the least experienced judges in a generation were appointed hastily by President Trump, and confirmed despite partisan opprobrium. One probably lied to Congress during his approval hearing (Brett…



Rodney Clough

Refuses to nap. Septuagenarian. Cliche’ raker. Writes weekly.