The Trials of Lindsey Graham
The Trials of Lindsey Graham, Water Carrier (*)
A political play in four acts
Act I
When does political pressure become an ‘inquiry?’
When a ‘perfect’ phone call is made.
(Cue Trump audio defending phone call to Zelensky)
Does our hero know Georgia voting procedures are public record, information a staffer can obtain?
Act II
Is our hero part of a conspiracy to defraud Georgia election results? Or a concerned citizen following up on Georgia vote-counting protocols?
Did our hero both incriminate himself and expose his acting as if he were ‘above the law’? Or is our hero a politician trying to clear his name?
Act IV
Isn’t our hero’s plight a federal issue, and therefore has no logical reason for being investigated by a Georgia “Special” Grand Jury? Or is our hero a ‘Republican,’ a partisan victim of a leftist witch hunt?
Note to audience: this is a six-week theatrical experience. Follow the action on-line. Don’t miss our popcorn coupons.
*Water carrier: one who keeps the narrative of autocracy in play, keeps the narrative fluid; one who repeats and redeploys the rhetoric of the authoritarian.
August 16–22