A Quieter Coup
Leaking the Alito memo amounts to a coup.
In effect the release of the memo does several things:
1- Signals state legislatures can legislate anti-abortion measures and strip women’s health clinics of legitimacy;
2- Shifts power and influence away from Roberts; the rookies are running the court;
3- Cements the five votes needed to overturn Roe v. Wade;
4- Further politicizes the court(s);
5- Strips away deliberation based on stare decisis;
6- Marginalizes KBJ’s appointment and confirmation: nothing will change the imbalance of experience;
7- It suppresses Congressional and Executive protection of Roe v Wade recently translated as the Women’s Health Protection Act.
8- Opens the door to more state-initiated tests and interventions into the rights of privacy.
Now ask yourself, if the public release of a “memo” can set in motion all these things, are we not witnessing a coup attempt?
You know the rest about the duck.
May 4