Projection Nation

Rodney Clough
5 min read4 days ago
Photo by Kayle Kaupanger,

Updated July 4: America is good and scared right now. Not a good time to calculate how much a bad debate showing can harm your candidacy.

June 28

Be honest. Do you feel threatened by what happened during the Presidential debate Thursday on CNN?

If ‘yes,’ read on.

During the debate one of the participants observed, “we’re sounding like children, let’s stop this.” A perilous debate moment where there are few rules to flout excepting a mute button. The fore cited comment by Donald Trump is a classic example of projection. Differences don’t matter, when in practice they do: it’s ok for Trump to act like a child as long as he can describe others performing the same, which invariably disadvantages his opponent. But that’s what moderators are for, right? To keep the participants from projecting, misrepresenting facts and history, reducing the debate to verbal gun slinging.

‘Projection’ in a debate with few rules is like playing verbal dope-a-rope.

Another moment during the debate, another projection: “you’re just like every politician, you say things and promise things and then you don’t do anything.”

Which is what Trump precisely does. REMEMBER … (fill in blank, here. Continue on back of page if you run out of room.)



Rodney Clough

Refuses to nap. Septuagenarian. Cliche’ raker. Writes weekly.