Pox Americana
The new isolationism. The fake protection.
(This article has been updated, December 1)*
In the summer of 1971, two military transport carriers took off from an airfield in Texas flew over the border with Mexico and attempted to drop a defoliant on marijuana fields. Their mission was aborted by a flyover by two F-5 like fighter jets, scrambled by the Mexican Air Defense. (1)
First, the Pentagon cried foul. Then, when Mexico replied that the US had violated Mexican airspace, the Pentagon disavowed the incident saying that it was unauthorized. When Mexico replied that the planes carrying the defoliant were military transport planes with payloads, so someone must have authorized their deployment, the Pentagon replied that they knew nothing of their deployment, so Mexico must be wrong. Mexico was ‘overreacting’ to an errant training incident. Beyond the military word rattling, the US learned that Mexico had a sophisticated early warning system — aimed at the US.
Mexico was protecting their borders — with the US.
What America witnessed November 26, 2024 was not unlike the 1971 incident. Except on November 26, America is not using a defoliant on Mexican poppy and marijuana fields.
America is using tariffs.
“As everyone is aware, thousands of people are pouring through…