No Tuesday Takeaways
Nothing really happens until a vote is cast. (1)
Correction: if there is a takeaway for Tuesday’s election it is that the Supreme Court is more out of touch with the American public than one can imagine.
It’s shameful, really.
And on the political violence horizon, the J6 Committee Hearings revealed to many voters what could transpire if Trump’s vision of mob rule continued to take hold.
The state amendments codifying women’s reproductive rights reinforce the idea that more Americans want to keep things the way they are, including their bodies and their freedom to make decisions about their lives.
The take-out of several Republican-funded conspiracy-mongers and election denier candidates reinforces the idea that more Americans want to vote for candidates and have their votes counted, minus the drama and the insurrection, masquerading as “free speech.”
Given these filters, one can survey anew America’s political landscape, circa 2020:
1America accepts partisanship. The call for ‘unity’ is old news. More independents swung Democratic not because they liked the candidate but because they could not tolerate a Republican win and the thrall Trump seems to have on the Republican (‘their’) party.
2History is well, ‘history.’ Don’t use it to try and explain America’s collective ‘new normal.’ (2)
3To paraphrase James Carville, ‘It’s the democracy, stupid.’ (3)
4Women and youth delivered votes for Democratic Party endorsed candidates, among whom were:
A 25-year-old victim of the Pulse Nightclub attack, who was elected to Congress.
Another, a woman, was elected to the office of Governor of the State of New York, surviving bad poll numbers and a last minute worn-out political smear from her male opponent that she was ‘soft on crime.’
November 9
1-A version of Ted Leavitt’s caution, “Nothing really happens until a sale is made.” (Marketing Myopia)
2-Sidney Rosenberg’s interviews proved this claim.
3-James Carville, who summed up his strategy for Bill Clinton’s success, it's the economy, stupid.’