Repeating the Same Mistake of 2016

Rodney Clough
7 min readSep 10, 2024
“All boxed up”: will 2024 be another button for our collection or an opportunity to address common issues and welfare? Photo courtesy The Citizen

Media madness —’ favoring’ and ‘othering’ — gives oxygen to deviant claims and lies.

Voting hasn’t changed; everything else has. Is mainstream media perpetrating a tale about how we elect our political leaders? Is mainstream media “abnormalizing” truth? By streaming a candidate’s remarks before a “huge” crowd, dressed up with “experts” weighing in, repeating sound bite upon sound bite, are we learning anything more about a candidate’s character and respect for our good will? Are we reassured that our collective challenges will be addressed? Through a filter of “trust,” the campaign losers have already been identified—it’s us, the voting public.

As the saying goes, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” By favoring one candidate over another through inept programming and eye candy “breaking news,” mainstream media is indulging its audience with a unique form of “insanity”. By “favoring,” I mean streaming one candidate over the absence of “the other.” The issues of the day get buried by a fear of “the other.” How will he/she respond? What the audience is left to conclude is that when it comes to politics, there is not much more than divisiveness. Divisiveness, which to most Americans who have taken their ‘democracy’ at face value is integrated as restraining the ‘others.’



Rodney Clough

Refuses to nap. Septuagenarian. Cliche’ raker. Writes weekly.