Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers
Trump’s Pretty Lawyers
My partner stirs the obvious, “Did you notice that Trump surrounds himself with pretty, young women, who have no title, who attend to him, leaving us to figure out what they do?”
I am confused by her reasoning, “You mean his lawyers?”
“No…yes, them too.”
It confounds that a bragging misogynist and serial philanderer would surround himself with pretty, young, immaculately dressed women who are photographed escorting rich and powerful co-conspirators through marble faced halls.
Hold that visual and contemplate how Trump surrounds himself with “pretty lawyers” who are photographed by his side, who seem to multiply like so many gnats through multiple hallways, less marble, more concrete block and plaster. Who pays them? Who risks their legal careers working for him?
And yet there they are.
“He asked me to do some crazy s***.”
-Don McGahn, former Legal Counsel to the President
Trump leaves in his wake a tidal pool of disbarred lawyers, alleged felony committers, obstructing justice, skirting subpoenas, invoking executive privilege.
Trump’s mockery of the legal infrastructure extends to his lawyers, who must run a gauntlet between their client’s…