House Wreckers
This is not about winning; this is about who controls the levers of power.
Recently Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times (1),
“Much of the reporting on Johnson has, understandably, focused on his role in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Let me say, by the way, that the widely used term “election denial” is a euphemism that softens and blurs what we’re really talking about. Trying to keep your party in power after it lost a free and fair election, without a shred of evidence of significant fraud, isn’t just denial; it’s a betrayal of democracy.”
Expand this observation to betraying election outcome: it’s not about confirmation, it’s about doubt and suspicion. You may have lost in court, but have you changed opinions? Recall former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s crowing about the Clinton Benghazi hearings, ‘Perhaps we didn’t find anything, we still influenced her poll numbers.’
You may have lost an election, but have you lost retaining power?
This is not about “chaos,” this is engineered mayhem. A mob is arguing for the demise of sharing power by the changing of who holds the reins, steers the ship. This is not ‘Jim Jordan with a coat,’ this is January 6 with a cause.
Some would call this a ‘soft coup.’
Recall that the vote to elevate Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House was for one political party — unanimous. Not a single Republican dissented. That’s as close to identifying with a takeover of the government without saying it out loud as one can hear.
With the voice, with the gavel, with the hold on Committee chairs, now the loudness will get deafening.
November 4
1- Paul Krugman, “The G.O.P Goes Full-on Extremist,” October 26, Opinion, The New York Times