Haley’s Comet
Nikki Haley scrubs in as Trump VP.
February 15
Today, former ‘everything’ Nikki Haley declared her candidacy for President. She could make it into a book entitled, “Profiles in Revanchism.”
Written in 1956. (1)
Consider what do Republicans need right now to regain the Presidency?
Consider this face-off in 2024: Biden-Harris vs. Trump-Haley.
Consider declaring this early a play for VP with a brokered deal and a Trump candidacy makeover.
Memo to Trump Legal: settle the women defamation suits.
It’s triangulation politics in real time.
Both are Republicans.
Both are show boaters.
Both are Christian.
She is mixed race.
She is a she.
Both need the other, e.g. he of small donations, she of large.
He is broke with cash, she is rich with pledges.
She can campaign for both of them.
Her campaign ‘platform’ can be re-spun. Call Kellyanne.
Today, political stagecraft was on view. Consider why Trump so quiet? At Haley’s announcement, Trump’s campaign office slurped ‘what you expect from a career politician.’
Consider why now?
Romney provides an answer: the more the declared Republican Presidential candidates, the more likely a repeat of ’16. (2)
The larger questions are, will Trump accept a brokered deal? How does one position his on-going court challenges…how does one sanitize January 6…legalize insurrection…skirt democracy…? How does one get ‘independents’ to ‘buy-in?’
Here’s an answer: “A new generation.”
So sixties.
Memo to Trump stylist: Breathe life into brand Trump. He’s looking a little sallow these days, even beneath the Baly Body.
She looks great.
February 16
2-Fox News, February 14