Gretchen, Doin’ Her Job
An open letter to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Greetings Governor,
You don’t know me. I haven’t voted for you yet, but I am an online wannabe contributor to your campaign. I have my pet piggy bank (see above) labeled “For Governor Whitmer,” staring at me as I am writing this.
I have to say, Governor, you are making a national reputation as a no nonsense, reproductive rights campaigner.
You are pissing off some of my Michigander “friends.”
I tell my friends, “Heh, the lady is just doin’ her job.”
They tell me, “That’s not her job. She is not following the decision of the Supreme Court. She is violating the law!”
I say, “Hear me out, she is exercising the will of her constituents — Michiganders want their freedom.”
They say, “That’s not us. We want our freedom — from her.”
What follows is some nasty talk about me leaving the state and movin’ to, you know, Brooklyn or some place.
I try to explain to my friends Brooklyn is not a state.
You can see where this is going.
I feel that in the name of state’s rights my friends have got it backwards. If we have state’s rights then act as though we do, for darn sakes. I mean if my sisters and I have to go to Canada to get medical help, where does that leave us? Last time I took the medical tour bus to Windsor, Ontario to get affordable meds, I couldn’t sleep for a several nights, I was so pissed off.
Now one branch of our federal government says, “See what we’ve done? You don’t have to take the bus to Canada anymore to buy affordable meds!”
Another branch of our federal government is saying, “Hold on here, sister, you get right back on that bus. No medical care for you, girl, in Michigan. Remember 1931, the year your state passed a law, making abortion illegal?”
Governor, you say, “Hold on Supreme Court, you just invalidated our state Constitution.”
See what I mean, Governor? You’re doing your job, pissing some people off.
It ain’t right.
You saw this a comin’.
A fellow Michigander