‘Good Enough’ Intent

Rodney Clough
7 min readJan 27, 2023


Announcer: Good evening and welcome to Episode 7 of The Trials of Lindsey Graham, Water Carrier. (*)

As you may recall from episode 6, Lindsey Graham, senior Senator from South Carolina and Vice Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is withering under the scrutiny of a Grand Jury investigation in Georgia for his alleged pressure on the Secretary of State, Brad ‘Nothin Here’ Raffensperger, to overturn the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.

And yet, as we shall soon see, there may be good news on the horizon for our hero.

We invite you to lean back and enjoy Episode 7, The Trials of Lindsey Graham, Water Carrier,Good Enough’ Intent.

A warning to parents. The material you are about to hear might not be suitable for young ears. Thank you for your consideration.

(Male voiceover, In hushed tone). We join our hero at a teleconference in his office at the Rayburn Senate Office Building. Time is recent; place is Washington, DC. Our hero (LG) has recently returned from a live Fox News interview (cite) and is joined by his lawyer, Don McGahn. (DM)

(Camera pans office interior, settling on a wall-mounted screen, showing images of teleconference participants.)

DM: OK. Are we all here? Just to confirm, please answer when I call your name…

Everyone’s audio on? Ok. My name is Don McGahn and I represent Sen. Lesley Graham. Today is Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Senator Graham and I are here in his office, Room 210, Rayburn Senate Office Building, Washington DC. Time is 9:15am.

This is an encrypted zoom session with former President Donald Trump attorney of record, Christina Bobb (CB), myself, Don McGahn, (DM) Senator Lesley Graham, (LG), Bill “Hoss” Turley, attorney for Mr. Raffensperger (BT) and Alan…

(interrupting) Professor Alan…

DM: Huh? Oh, sorry… apologies…Professor Alan Dershowitz. (AD)

Thank you. Now as we all know, there has been a legal game changer. Because of the Biden search and discovery…

LG (interrupting): Oh, if I had the Judiciary gavel… if I were Chairman… I’d go after that son of a …

DM: OK, Senator. I am going to ask you not to interrupt and focus…Ok? Thank you, Senator.

(pause) … now everyone knows the Biden discovery…

CB (interrupting): BI-DENS! (shouting) Why don’t you guys get it? HUNTER IS ALSO INVOLVED. HE WAS SITTING IN THE CORVETTE!

DM: Uh..Ok…to continue… BI-DENS. (pause) …Makes Mar-A-Lago a nothing burger. Fox is teeing this one up really well, I think. And Christina, thanks to you for your interview about Dems using Mar-A-Lago to distract public from what Biden…

CB (interrupting, in a near shout): AND SCHIFF! God, you guys are sooo’ clueless!

DM: Yes… Ok…and Congressman Schiff are up to… So here we are… DOJ knows that Mar-A-Lago is history with the Biden classified document discovery, so they are focusing on Georgia… They can’t risk losing both cases, so Dems are putting pressure on DA Willis to prosecute Trump.

LG: ENOUGH OF THAT WITCH. (Pause) See, I didn’t do the B word…

CB: What a classy guy!

LG: Enough of her. Whatever happened to get the venue moved to federal court? …Eh, Donnie?

DM: Senator, I think you and I went over that… not now…

LG: What happened to Cannon? Why are we not in her Court?

(pause) These jokers are elected for f*** sake!

DM: Uh, huh. Focus, Senator. These are Georgia statutes you’ve allegedly violated. (Pause) Do you need a glass of water, Senator? Do you need a break?

LG: F*** you.

DM: Not a nice way to address your attorney. (Pause) Please Senator, a little decorum… So, we have to reframe … (pause) … we have to reframe ‘electors’ as an attempt to fight election fraud… you know… ‘start with a clean slate.’

LG: That’s Clark, not me.

CB (blurts out): There you go. Running away. Like when you kept saying fake this, fake that! And that it’s all bull***. That I am ‘done…’ On the Senate floor, no less… HOW COULD YOU!

LG: Why don’t you go walk your cat!

DM: OK. Knock it off, you two. (Pause) No, it’s not you, and we know you need distance from Clark. They have his phone. They had a warrant to search his home. We don’t want more of that on evening cable.

LG: For God’s sake, he was in his bathrobe!

DM: OK. Please focus Senator.

LG: Why don’t you call me Chairman, anymore? I am Vice Chairman of Judiciary.

DM (Pause): Um, Senator, we’ve agreed ‘No more calling you Chairman.’ We will address you from now on as ‘Senator:’ sounds humbler. There’s been too much attention…

LG: You know that It’s all bulls***. Admit it.

DM: Ok. Focus, Senator. (Pause) Now we all know Trump is protected under the First Amendment and he performed certain activities while he was a sitting President that are not illegal but are protected by his First Amendment rights.

LG: You said ‘but;’ you didn’t say ‘and.’

DM: OK. (Pause) Focus, Senator.

LG (Plaintively): Why does Trump not get to do something illegal?

DM (Impatiently, raised voice): Do you know that, Senator? Do we know that, Senator? Does the public know that we know that, Senator?

LG: You know that it’s all bulls***. I still don’t get why ‘speech and debate’ don’t apply. It was a phone call to Brad for God’s sake.

BT: Yeah. But there was more. And there was the memo.

LG: Which doesn’t exist? Right?

BT: Right.

LG: OK… so where does that put us? A phone call?

DM (correcting): A perfect phone call.

LG: Explain.

AD: Allow me, Don, to step in here. (Pause) Senator, you had a conversation with Brad. You asked some questions; you did some probing. Sure, you had access…does this mean that you violated Georgia statute or were simply exercising a suspicion… (raising voice, sounding self-righteous) You believed that the election was stolen and you wanted to help… and wanted to restore justice before it was too late…

(Pause) Does it really matter, Senator, if the election was …”stolen?”

CB: I don’t believe what I am hearing.

LG: But the court decisions…

AD: So, a few judge’s decisions, which by the way can be overturned. Certainly, the possibility is there…

DM (interrupting..referring to recent judge’s decision to compel Peter Navarro to answer DOJ subpoena): Let me jump in here, Alan. I know what you’re thinking, Senator. Where does Navarro leave me. Am I next? Focus… Your case is… different… Had Navarro followed script… Maybe he couldn’t. I dunno’. We don’t know… Or, had he received a pardon, preemptively, he wouldn’t be where he is today.

LG: Well, why not?

DM: Navarro wasn’t a follower. He wasn’t a water carrier. Maybe Navarro didn’t know it… really, but he was only (pause)… a mouthpiece.

LG: You speak about him as if he were…

DM: Irrelevant?

LG: Yes, irrelevant.

DM: Well, maybe… not as much then as he is now.

LG: So now what?

DM: Navarro’s case comes up in May.

LG: Oh, s***.

DM: So, we hang tight. Which is why we are here today, speaking to you, Senator.

LG: Yeah, but May is a long time away. And that DA witch Willis…

DM: She says her decision could be imminent…

LG: Those f*****s. They have nothin.’

DM: We are thinking soon, mid-February. The hearing would be in June, at least. We will try to move it up.

LG: And Trump?

AD: The media wants his scalp. They want indictments. (Pause) It doesn’t matter.

LG: Say what?

AD: I’ve been through this before. So has Don… (raising voice) It doesn’t matter…

LG: Say what?

DM: Let’s let Alan talk now. He has something important to say…Alan…

AD: Senator, we have a new legal strategy. I think will work, here. (Pause) I call it the ‘Glove Strategy.’

LG, (chuckling): You mean, ‘If it doesn’t fit, vote to acquit?’

AD: Yeah. Now listen up. Here’s how it’s gonna’ work… the code name for the new strategy is G-E-I, ‘Good enough intentions.’ In English Jurisprudence, a defendant to an alleged crime can claim that his intentions were ‘good enough,’ that they were innocently performed such that his innocence of CRIMINAL ACTIVITY is sustainable…

LG: I am following you.

AD: Good…You see, you attempted to believe the election was fair, but evidence kept hounding you…

LG: Like the glove?

AD: Precisely. Soon you see election fraud everywhere… you can’t avoid it…

CB: I don’t believe what I am hearing.

AD: You see, Senator? It doesn’t matter. “The Big Lie?” Let it be. Can’t hurt us unless we jump in and keep repeating it as if it has to be reinforced. We will have to explain why we are continuing it if we know it’s not true….Trump said Biden won and that’s it…


What if it is real? That Biden won and stole the election? The courts didn’t say he won… just that he didn’t steal… there’s your evidence.

DM: We win both ways, Senator. See Trump is protected by privilege but that doesn’t mean you are… Navarro’s mistake. Has he implicated you?… no. So that’s our defense in a nutshell. You simply volunteered to help, no malicious intent…

‘Good Enough Intent.’

LG: Ok. But the memo?

DM: What memo?

CB: I don’t believe what I am hearing.

(Voice Over): As we leave our hero’s legal team to ponder these questions, we too, await the Fulton County DA’s announcement. Don’t miss Episode 8 of our continuing saga, The Trials of Lindsey Graham, Water Carrier.

(*) Water Carrier: one who keeps the narrative of autocracy in play, keeps the narrative fluid; one who repeats and redeploys the rhetoric of the authoritarian.




Rodney Clough
Rodney Clough

Written by Rodney Clough

Refuses to nap. Septuagenarian. Cliche’ raker. Writes weekly.

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