Election 2020: “You get sick at the pleasure of the President”
Correction: you test positive for Coronavirus at the pleasure of the President.
Rumor has it that Netflix script writers are warming up to script a rerun of “West Wing” from the medical clinic in the White House.
Could I speculate a few days ago that the Secret Service surrounding POTUS receive our prayers for health and safety?
Monday, October 5: Another day, another news cycle, another debacle. “Out, our damn Trump,” I wrote barely 72 hours ago…wait… make that 48 hours ago. And here we are: Trump released, a warily sick President, from Walter Reed Medical Center.
Mark the date and time. Raise the draw bridge. Restart “contact tracing,” POTUS style, on the air waves, from the cable stages, into our homes.
Time to don our fake “fake news” masks.
Meanwhile America and Americans keep getting sick from an untamed pandemic.
The next Presidential Debate agenda could begin with the question “What are your priorities for America?”
(Pause for moderator interruption.)
Moderator: “No. Please answer the question, Mr. President…I’ll repeat, what are YOUR priorities FOR America? Not YOUR priorities. ‘Your priorities FOR AMERICA.”
We’re listening.
October 5, 2020