Election 2020: Moving past HRC’s “deplorables” gaffe
Let’s expose this myth right now on the eve of the Democratic gab fest: Trump’s grip on the 34 to 39 per cent who support him ‘no matter what.’
We are told that this segment of Trump’s popularity — HRC’s “deplorables” — is unshakable and will follow Trump lemming-like over the cliff regardless of what desperate perfidy he engages in.
I am not so sure. Or rather, if HRC and the media are SO sure, then why bring this lemming voter segment up?
This political strategy — to smear your opponents’ followers — rarely pays off. Do you remember the last time it worked? It smells of desperation and it’s partner frustration. And it opens a door on the “convenience of victim-hood: ‘pity me, I won’t get their vote.’
Here’s why I am not so sure. Call this the “drawn curtain polling booth factor.” As a friend cautioned me recently, voting is not a marriage and the voting booth is not a confessional. I am not so sure because we don’t really know how this segment will behave in November and if they will behave as cohesively as HRC would have had us believe.
My Trumpy friends (yes, like you I have some) don’t like Democrats and vehemently despise Hillary. Whether these feelings will replay in 2020 is unknown. Also unknown is how well Trump has chipped away at the Hillary-hating. Four years is a long time. One can conclude that while hatred can be a passionate bond and exploited for a concrete cause, it must be sustained.
And it’s here in my opinion, that Trump is visibly sinking.
Exhibit 1: Removing Postal Boxes
Exhibit 2: Kanye West Shenanigans
Exhibit 3: COVID 19
Exhibit 4: “in the works”
Polls don’t measure frustration. Frustration bespeaks indecision. So the frustrated “deplorable” voter may stay home on November 3.
Polls don’t measure self-worth. Sure I am going to vote for Trump, so get off my back. Once in the polling booth I give that sucker what he deserves and I vote for…Biden.
See how this works?
Suddenly I am not a lemming. And that’s a whole lot better than being a four year old “deplorable.”
August 16, 2020