Election 2020: Biden’s Hidden Gaffe
“Who we all want to be. That’s on the ballot.” Joe Biden, August 20, 2020
Insufficient, Uncle Joe.
W.E. Dubois, Dr. Martin Luther King, Bishop William Barber all question sacrificing the poor for a “united” country. To them living in a racist society binds white and black against one another in the struggle out of poverty. This is the strategy of neo-Colonialism: divide and divide again.This is why “bi-partisan” sounds more like an excuse and less like a heart-throb.
The marginalized and “unseen.” Where “all we want to be” breaks down. And here’s the hidden ‘gaffe’ of Biden’s exhortation: “what if?”
In a classist society there are no conditionals, no aspirations. In a classist society, unity breaks down. And without unity as concrete evidence of a just society…
Hope is un-actualized faith. Not my words. Hope didn’t “produce” Trump. Despair brought us Trump.
So let’s pause the “light versus dark” messaging. Social change is not a light switch. And we are very, very far from actualizing “who we want to be.”
August 21, 2020