Rodney Clough
1 min readAug 13, 2021

Down and out in Texas

Photo by Pete Alexopoulos on Unsplash

Now more than Democrats have reason to flee the Lonestar State.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had another “Cancun moment:” last week the anti-masker revealed that his kids attend private school where their payroll is not paid by state tax dollars, so for the extra it costs to attend, his kids are less at risk for contacting COVID: at their private school mask wearing is required, vaccinated teachers are required.

Texans are hearing a perversion on New Hamphire’s state motto: “Live free and die.”

Do Cruz and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott hear it?

A family member who resides in Austin, summed up the surface “public argument” in Texas about masking and mask wearing: ‘we’re over that.’

If you believe Texas hospital stats, not exactly are we over masking and mask wearing. As the Mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, put it, reflecting on the surge of Delta variant hospitalizations in his city, ‘it’s not about not wearing the mask, it’s about the trauma at the hospital you are causing and will cause.’ (Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC, August 12)

Translation: You may be over wearing a mask, COVID-19 is not over you.

August 13

Rodney Clough
Rodney Clough

Written by Rodney Clough

Refuses to nap. Septuagenarian. Cliche’ raker. Writes weekly.

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