Bedtime with Tinkerbell and Kyrsten
Hi Kyrsten, it’s Tink, here to help you find your shadow!
KS: I need your help! There is Wendy Darling … you know …Wendy Darling? (Pause) She can sew… You have pixie dust.
T: (scoffing) Wendy is a Democrat. What has she done for you recently?
KS: Well, you have a point. She has been pretty demanding.
T: Did she help you find your shadow?
KS: She promised to sew it on but like I said she’s making demands. She wants me to lead The Lost Boys to SenateLand. I can’t do that! Not without my shadow. She says if I don’t lead The Lost Boys she is going to find someone else who has a shadow in 2024!
T: Wow, that’s harsh. (Pause) Tell you what we can do.
KS: What, Tink?
T: We can drown her. I don’t think she knows how to swim. There are no shadows deep under water… just darkness.
KS: I dunno’… But what about 2024…suppose…
T: I got it! You fly away. I have ‘independent pixie dust,’ works every time.
KS: That sounds intriguing…
T: It worked for Senator Joe Lieberman.
KS: Can you really make it work for me? What do I do?
T: Simple. Just announce that you are leaving the Darling household, flying away to NeverLand. That you know the Darlings want you to stay home, but NeverLand is far away and you’ll… (pause) NEVER GROW UP!
KS: And the pixie dust?
T: Just repeat after me…I’ll never grow up…I’ll never grow up…I’ll never grow up…
KS: (mumbling sleepily) I’ll never grow up… I’ll never grow up… I’ll never grrr…. (voice drowns out as Kyrsten falls into a deep sleep).
T: (angrily shaking her wand) Dammit Kyrsten, wake up! Get me out of this drawer. Get the damn dog to stop barking! KYRSTEN, KYRSTEN! KYRRRSTENNN!!
(Voice of Wendy off stage): Lights off children…Time to say goodnight…Sweet dreams…
December 10